STFP was established in 2008

STFP's mission is to promote and facilitate the growth of sustainable and equitable tourism in Pakistan


Following individual acts can really help a lot to promote the cause of Indus Blind Dolphin’s survival:

• Volunteer your time for the awareness campaigns for the conservation of Indus Blond Dolphin.

• Writing blogs or letters to editors of newspapers and post messages on your face book page to promote the cause of nature conservation.

• Avoid eating fish during the egg laying season (May to August) as it is commonly the breeding season of river fish, which is also the food of the Indus Blind Dolphin.

• “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” your waste material as it ultimately goes in water courses, rivers, and lakes and it is harmful for aquatic biodiversity.

• Say no to plastic bags as they eventually go in the waterways and are harmful to aquatic biodiversity. While going for shopping carry your own cloth bag from home.

• Educate your family members and relatives about harmful effects of chemicals, pesticides and toxic industrial effluents as these too go in waterways and reservoirs and they are also harmful to aquatic biodiversity.

• If you go to see Indus Blind Dolphin tell the fishermen not to leave the fishing nets overnight in the river. Dolphins can get caught in the nets and die. If any dolphin accidently gets netted, tell them to gently release it from the net and set it free in the river.






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This website is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of Sustainable Tourism Foundation Pakistan and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Copyright@2015 STFP